
If you encounter issues while using Trailer Finder, this document provides common problems and their solutions. For additional assistance, please check our GitHub Discussions or open an issue on GitHub.

Common Issues and Solutions#

Installation Issues

  • Problem: pip install -r requirements.txt fails.

    Solution: Ensure you have Python 3.7 or higher installed. Check if all dependencies are available and compatible with your Python version. You may need to upgrade pip:

    pip install --upgrade pip
  • Problem: Errors related to missing or outdated packages.

    Solution: Verify that your requirements.txt file is up to date. You may need to manually install specific packages:

    pip install <package-name>

Configuration Problems

  • Problem: config.yaml not being recognized or causing errors.

    Solution: Ensure config.yaml is correctly named and placed in the config directory. Validate the configuration file syntax and ensure all required fields are filled correctly. Refer to the example configuration in the Configuration section of the documentation.

Running the Application

  • Problem: python fails to execute or shows errors.

    Solution: Check the error message for clues. Common issues include missing API keys or incorrect file paths. Ensure all dependencies are installed and that your configuration file is correctly set up.

  • Problem: Application is not fetching trailers.

    Solution: Verify your API keys for TMDB, Radarr, and Sonarr are correct and valid. Ensure your network connection is stable and that there are no restrictions or firewalls blocking API requests.

Docker Issues

  • Problem: Docker container fails to start or crashes.

    Solution: Check the Docker logs for error messages:

    docker logs trailer-finder-app

    Ensure that the docker-compose.yml file is correctly configured and that all volume paths are accurate. Restart Docker and try running the container again.

  • Problem: Container cannot access media directories.

    Solution: Verify that the paths specified in the docker-compose.yml file are correct and accessible by Docker. Ensure that the necessary permissions are set for the media directories.

Performance Issues

  • Problem: The application is slow or unresponsive.

    Solution: Check if your system meets the minimum requirements. Ensure that sufficient disk space is available and that no other processes are consuming excessive resources. Optimize your configuration settings to balance performance and functionality.

Seeking Additional Help#

If you continue to experience issues after trying the above solutions:

  1. Consult the Documentation for detailed guides and examples that may help resolve your issue.

  2. Check GitHub Discussions to engage with the community for advice and solutions.

  3. Open an Issue to report your issue, providing as much detail as possible to help us assist you.

We are here to help, and your feedback contributes to improving the project!