Source code for modules.translator

Module for handling language translations.

This module provides functionality for translating messages into different languages
based on loaded translation files. It supports various locales configured through
the 'locales' directory. Translations are accessed using keys defined in these files.

    - os: Operating system interface for file operations.
    - json: Module for parsing JSON files used for translation storage.

    - Translator:
        A class to handle language translations based on loaded translation files.

    - local (str): The default language locale.

    - __init__(local="en"):
        Initializes the Translator with a default locale and loads translation files.

    - _load_translations():
        Loads translation files from the 'locales' directory.

    - translate(msg_key, **kwargs):
        Translates a message key to the appropriate language string.

    This module is designed to be used as a utility for translating messages and
    text in different languages. It relies on a structured directory of JSON files
    for translations. Ensure that the 'locales' directory contains JSON files with
    appropriate translations before using this module.


import os
import json

[docs] class Translator: """ Translator class to handle language translations. Attributes: local (str): The default language locale. """
[docs] def __init__(self, local="en"): """ Initializes the Translator with a default locale and loads translation files. Args: local (str): The default language locale. Default is 'en'. """ self.local = local self.translations = self._load_translations()
def _load_translations(self): """ Loads translation files from the 'locales' directory. Returns: dict: A dictionary of translations for each supported locale. """ translations = {} locales_dir = "locales" for filename in os.listdir(locales_dir): if filename.endswith(".json"): locale = filename[:-5] with open(os.path.join(locales_dir, filename), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: translations[locale] = json.load(f) return translations
[docs] def translate(self, msg_key, **kwargs): """ Translates a message key to the appropriate language string. Args: msg_key (str): The key for the message to translate. **kwargs: Additional arguments to format the translated message. Returns: str: The translated and formatted message string. """ msg_template = self.translations.get(self.local, {}).get(msg_key) try: if msg_template: return msg_template.format(**kwargs) raise KeyError(msg_key) except KeyError as err: # These print statements are important for development and debugging purposes. # They help identify missing translation keys. # Do not remove them, as they are useful for identifying and fixing translation errors. print("******************************") print(f"Missing translate for: {err}") print("******************************") return msg_key