Source code for modules.colored_formatter

Custom formatter to add color to log messages based on their severity level.

This class extends `logging.Formatter` to provide colored output for log messages, allowing for visual differentiation
of log levels in the console.

    COLORS (dict): Dictionary mapping log levels to color codes.

    format(record: logging.LogRecord) -> str:
        Format the log record with color based on its severity level.

            record (logging.LogRecord): The log record to format.

            str: The formatted log message with color.

import logging

[docs] class ColoredFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Custom formatter to add color to log messages based on their severity level. Attributes: COLORS (dict): Dictionary mapping log levels to color codes. """ COLORS = { "DEBUG": "\033[34m", "INFO": "\033[32m", "WARNING": "\033[33m", "ERROR": "\033[31m", "CRITICAL": "\033[41m", "RESET": "\033[0m", }
[docs] def format(self, record): """ Format the log record with color based on its severity level. Args: record (logging.LogRecord): The log record to format. Returns: str: The formatted log message with color. """ color = self.COLORS.get(record.levelname, self.COLORS["RESET"]) reset = self.COLORS["RESET"] message = super().format(record) return f"{color}{message}{reset}"